The Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at...
Brain research shows six key benefits to a bilingual...
Schedule a Tour (click this link!)
600 Grand Canyon Dr.
Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608-833-5437
Email: contact@culturedkids.com
Please fill out the Waitlist when you are ready. All other forms can be completed once an attendance slot has been awarded to you. Email all forms to Waitlist@CulturedKids.com for processing.
1. CKIS Waitlist Form PDF MS Word
2. DCF Child Enrollment Form (needed for all ages)
3. CKIS Child Personality Profile and Schedule 2021 (needed for all ages)
4. DCF Child Health History & Emergency Care Plan (needed for all ages)
5. DCF Child Health Report (needed for all ages)
6. DCF-Student-Immunization-Record-DPH-4020L (needed for all ages)
8. DCF Sunscreen, Diaper Cream, Medicine Authorization
9. Parent Acceptance of Policies
10. DCF Intake for Child Under 2 Years Old
Please Read and Keep at Home:
DCF Your Guide To Licensed Child Care (needed for all ages)
Brain research shows six key benefits to a bilingual...
An article was published in The Telegraph highlighting...
Schedule a Tour (click this link!)
600 Grand Canyon Dr.
Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608-833-5437
Email: contact@culturedkids.com