An article was published in The Telegraph highlighting...
Brain research shows six key benefits to a bilingual...
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It takes extra effort to raise a bilingual child. But, new research is showing the effort pays big dividends. https://qz.com/1092681/neroscientists-find-that-bilinguals-process-new-language-quicker-than-monolinguals/
Brain research shows six key benefits to a bilingual education: Attention, Empathy, Reading (in English), School Performance and Engagement, Diversity and Integration, Protection Against Cognitive Decline and Dementia https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/11/29/497943749/6-potential-brain-benefits-of-bilingual-education
The Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington has recently published a study finding that language development starts within the last two months of pregnancy. This study challenges the idea that experience with speech sounds can [ … ]
An article was published in The Telegraph highlighting seven key benefits of learning a second language, like improving your memory and perception skills. Enjoy the link below to learn more! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationopinion/10126883/Why-learn-a-foreign-language-Benefits-of-bilingualism.html